ECCO Byway

Item nr. 501664-02038


Size range:

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
5 / 5.5 6 / 6.5 7 / 7.5 8 / 8.5 9 / 9.5 10 / 10.5 11 / 11.5 12 / 12.5 13 / 13.5 14 / 14.5 15 / 15.5 16 / 16.5
5½-6 6½-7 7.5 8 / 8.5 9 9.5 / 10 10.5 11 / 11.5 12 / 12.5 13 13.5 / 14 13.5 / 14
240-245 250 263 270 277 283 290 297 303 310 316 323

Upper Material

Oil - Nubuck

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Size guide - Men

At ECCO we are committed to make your online shopping experience as easy as possible. The best way to make sure that you order the right size is to measure your feet and then compare it with the size chart below to find the appropriate size. Please follow these 4 simple steps to accurately measure your feet:

  • All your need to measure your feet from heel to toe is a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler.

  • Place the paper on the floor up against a wall. Place the heel against the wall.

  • Mark the longest part of your foot on the paper. Repeat procedure with the other foot.

  • Measure the length of each mark and match it with the size chart. Let the longest foot decide the shoe size.

240-245 39 5/5.5 5½-6
250 40 6/6.5 6½-7
263 41 7/7.5 7.5
270 42 8/8.5 8/8.5
277 43 9/9.5 9
283 44 10/10.5 9.5/10
290 45 11/11.5 10.5
297 46 12/12.5 11/11.5
303 47 13/13.5 12/12.5
310 48 14/14.5 13
316 49 15/15.5 13.5/14
323 50 16/16.5 13.5/14

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